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Pomegranate Guild > Pieces of Peace: An Exhibit of the Greater Boston Chapter

On the right, Judith Solomont of Brookline shows her appliqued and quilted "Shalom Bayit" banner embellished with beadwork and embroidery.

Judith's Comments: "Sim Shalom al Bait Yisrael" means "Grant Peace on the House of Israel." If there is to be peace in the world we must have peace within ourselves and especially within our home. When I think of peace I think of Shabbos and the peacefulness that Shabbos brings. A special time with family away from the humdrum of daily life. A recharging of the batteries. A time of reflection. There is a Mezzuzah on the door of my house, serving as a sign to us that G-d is always present. My Shabbos Candles are on the table welcoming in the Shabbos. The rainbow is our reminder from G-d that he will never again destroy the world.

I'm not a politician and have no formula for bringing about world peace, but maybe if we take it one day at a time and try to perform "random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" peace might just come about a little sooner.

I would like to thank Rabbi Gewirtz for helping me with the Hebrew; Miriam Sokoloff, for teaching me how to quilt; Sidney Freedman, for teaching me the "paper piecing"; all the Pomegranate women who have given me such good advice over the past 3 years; and last but not least my husband, David, for his patience and understanding while I pursued "Pieces of Peace" and other ventures.

Lois Diamond of Canton executed this pieced and quilted landscape representing the seven species of Israel.

Lois' Comments: I researched the seven species, on and off, for a long time. Finally the right fabric got me started. The quilt shows the seven species, on fertile areas, leading to Jerusalem. "Heavenly" Jerusalem is quilted into the sky. The border quilting has people walking towards Jerusalem. My grandson, Avraham, got so interested and involved that I gave it to him as part of his bar mitzvah gift.

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Originally Posted: December 10, 2002
Last Updated: August 1, 2010

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