Sidney Ann Freedman of Chestnut Hill displays her "Image of Peace" which uses the classic emblem of the lion and the lamb. The design employs paper piecing and embroidery and is adapted from the lamb and lion design from "A Quilter's Ark". French knots make the the animal eyes and braided gold thread is used for the lion's tail.
Materials include cotton, metallic fabric, doe suede, silk, satin, silk flowers, beads, lace, threads, and fabric paint.
Sidney's Comments: When I thought about peace I remembered a trip I took many years ago to Israel in which I visited a zoo in Jerusalem. The truth is I saw lions and lambs living together. Upon close scrutiny I finally saw a fence that separated them from each other. It was a wonderful illusion. This is the picture I created in my "Image of Peace."
I used the black silk as a border to my pretty picture. I used the pink, gold, and green fabric because they looked rich and luxurious to me and would enhance the value of peace. The silk flowers with gold beads is my way of saying peace is more than an idea but has taken root and is blooming. Yet, one can see the lamb with its frivolous lace is still separated from the strong powerful lion.