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Pomegranate Guild > Magazine to Publish Atlanta Member's DesignPIECEWORK Magazine will be publishing Flora Rosefsky's piece, "Handkerchiefs for a Jewish Wedding" in their June, 2005 issue that will feature Jewish weddings.Those who did the sewing - Lillian Abramowitz (embroidery) and Loraine Sher (applique and sewing) along we Flora Rosefksy as artist/designer will be credited. Flora hopes that publication of the handkerchief will generate publicity for the Six Million Stitches Project. This handkerchief design remembers the Holocaust at a Jewish wedding. The six yellow tulips are a salute to the Dutch people who did much to protect and rescue Jews during the Holocaust. This project is one of several designed by Pomegranate members and included as part of The Six Million Stitches Project. The project was begun as a collection of life-affirming and inspirational images to commemorate the Holocaust. The collection was started by Pomegranate Guild member Rita Lenkin Hawkins, z"l, to commemorate and honor Holocaust victims, survivors, and those people who risked their lives to save other lives during that time. She did not live to see the Six Million Stitches Project come to fruition, but it is now dedicated in her memory. Several Pomegranate members have contributed to this project. All of the designs may be downloaded from the web site and used at no cost. The contributors ask that for each set of directions used, stitchers donate $1.00 to the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. in memory of Rita Lenkin Hawkins.